Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Something's gotta give...

Well, I've lost 2 inches this month total from my gut, thighs, arms, and hips. YAY!! I wanted to run around the house with the tape measure dancing around like a ribbon dancer at the Olympics. I measured, re-measured, and re-re-measured as I couldn't believe the fact that I lost 2 inches in such a short amount of time!
Now, I'm starting to lose "interest" in my current workout, and I'm not feeling the burn as much as I used to. So, I'm open for suggestions from ANYONE with an EXERCISE PLAN! I'm open to sooo many new things. I found myself doing the Richard Simmons workout yesterday (No dissin' to Mr. Simmons, that guy's DA BOMB!) and Pelvic Squeezed my way through it. But, seriously y'all, If you got something that you'd think I'd like I'd love to try it!
Stay Fit,

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