Monday, April 12, 2010

A Really Long Entry Pt. 2

Okay, continuing the no internet blog writing. I filled up my first file, so this is a continuation of my last entry. I'm feeling kind of...sick. It's like my stomach is dancing inside of me and on top of that I haven't been hungry at all today. Except for when I woke up but, I've been full since then. Wow, 223 lbs! I never thought I'd get this low in one month. I am sooo happy happy! Welp, nightie night. Sweet dreams, I'm off to bed. Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow!!

222.2 lbs. What a glorious sight to behold! I love my scale! :) Anyway, today I gave myself a makeover. Well, not a huge one just a little more attention than usual. I gave myself a salon style blow drying, you know the kind that makes your hair soft and poofy, waxed my stache and unibrow, put on a nice lip moisturizer, and finished up the whole ordeal with some lip glaze. I look beautiful if I do say so myself!

221.6 lbs this morning. So far I've lost a pound a day. Yeppers. It's pretty coolio, my mom and sister have both said that you can tell I've lost weight. Mmmm, compliments!
Alright people, explain to me why I'm horny all of a sudden? I need an explanation for this!
It's driving me nuts because I'm riding around with my mom thinking "I can have sex with that guy. I can have sex with that guy, too. And that guy!" it's really getting me down down down! I feel like a perv-O also because I've adopted a "Bang 'em n' Leave 'em" policy. Who am I? Tiger Woods? (yuk yuk yuk. I know it's old.) Anyway, thanks for taking that moment to listen. This has been another Private Moment. Brought to you by: Viagra, "if you can't get your wang to stand at attention, Viagra can take it to a whole 'nother dimension."

220.6 lbs! I'm almost out of the 20's! soon I'll be in the teens! and how amazing will THAT be?! I'll tell you, FRIGGIN' amazing. *Sigh* Well, after I lose this weight Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll be blogging about something else. What? I'll tell you 'what', my attempts to snag Shaun "Red Zeppelin" White (RUN SHAUN RUN!!! *screams of terror*) bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! nobody will be safe from the insanely horny libido of SARAH!!! *dramatic opera music begins playing* speaking of dramatic opera music playing, has anyone else seen those SUPER dramatized National Guard commercials they play before the movie? Oh my gosh, they start out cool but eventually you're like, "Come on! ARMY doesn't make this long of a commercial! don't tell me THIS is the movie I came to see!" But, I love our soldiers, airmen, marines, and sailors. They've got a lot more bravery than I do. Protectors of Liberty, Freedom, and citizens of the United States of America, Rock, Rock ON!

219.8 lbs! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! *girlish squeal* I'm in the teens I'm in the teens! I can't believe this! I'm soooooo happy grandpappy!!
But, in other news, I feel really weird because I'm only hungry in the morning and at dinner. I'm not snackish and I'm not hungry at lunch. I actually feel so full that I feel as if I'll explode when I eat another bite. And I'm not eating big breakfasts, one egg and 3 slices of turkey bacon. I don't know what to do.

219.0! I feel like an accomplishment. I feel so awesome and spectacular. Only, I'm not poo-ing again. :( I need to do something about that. BUT! here's some fabulous news! last night we stayed up late watching "Looney Tunes" and a bag of peanut M&M's sat RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME the entire night and I didn't eat a one! I've conquered my weakness! I've slayed the sweet tooth! I AM IRON MAN! na na na na na naa naan naan na! Okay, maybe I'm not Iron Man. But I feel awesome that I've done that.
I jumproped today for 7 minutes. I haven't jumproped in months, even then it wasn't for 7 minutes. OKAY! I almost forgot! yesterday while at Wal*Mart I purchased the latest issue of "Fitness" magazine and let me tell YOU! they showed me tons of moves to work on my tummy and Bingo Arm, and introduced me to the love of my life, "So you think you can dance: Cardio Funk" DVD that sounds so awesome it's going to implode all over the magazine!! I'll have to rent that from the library OR knuckle down and buy it. Another thing is this, I applied at my favorite fashion store "Cato's" and I'm hoping I'm hired at this one right by me because it's less than 500 feet from a "Club Fitness" and my thinking is this: If I am hired at said Cato's, I can maybe stay an hour after and exercise at the gym! and since I can't go in before noon (due to school) I can still do my "SYTYCD: Cardio Funk" in the morning! hooray!
Well, anyway schmole's it sounds good to me. And if I work on my birthday I can go waltzing into my work 70 pounds lighter saying "Happy Birthday to Sexy me! Happy Birthday to Sexy me! Happy Birthday to Super Sexy Meeee! Happy Birthday to Sexy Me! I'm still hor-neeeee!"
Yep. Then after I'm 170 lbs. I'll begin my decline to 145 and be (if it's possible) even sexier! I know what you're thinking "You're the least sexy person I know! you smell like B.O. and have ketchup stains all over your shirt!"
But, I protest, those are Sexy ketchup stains! meeow! (I'm really sorry! I'm not in total control of this entry!)
Anyhoo, sorry you were sexually harassed by me again. I'll inform the police for you.

220.4 lbs. Aye Caramba! what did I do wrong? it's not muscle because I measured myself and I'm still the same. What to do? What to do? I requested the "SYTYCD: Cardio Funk" from ye olde Library. I can't wait 'til it arrives! I want to dance! DANCE!

Sorry guys it's been a few days since I last checked in. I'm 219.2 lbs. Last I checked in I was 220.4 so, I've gone down. Tomorrow is the first of March and I'm excited to start my new 4 month weight loss plan. Hopefully I'll have a lower number to write down on the calendar.

And I did! 218.6 lbs! woot! my goal is 205 at the end of this month AND I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ACCOMPLISH SAID TASK. And I ain't lyin'! I'm hoping my SYTYCD DVD comes in tomorrow. I want to dance my lil' pants off.

Well, sorry blog readers, I haven't written in since the 5 th and it is now St. Patrick's Day.
Happy Saint Patty's Day!!
Here's what I've been doing:
1st, SYTYCD: Cardio Funk AND Tone n' Groove was fun and awesome, I loved learning all the dance moves and then trying them out in the "Real world" but it was $17 for one DVD. I don't want to spend that much just yet. Plus it was only 3 workouts and I'd rather pay $17 for a DVD with say, 6 or 7 workouts.
Anyway, here's what ended up happening, my local Wal*Mart was having a sale on exercise DVD's and after digging through all the Pussycat Doll Workout DVD's I finally found one worth doing! Biggest Loser: Cardio Max! then, since it was a sale, I bought Power Sculpt, Weight loss Yoga, the Firm 500 calorie workout, and Biggest Loser: LAST CHANCE workout.
They are all very awesome, at the end you feel worked out but not soo exhausted that you can't lace up your own boots. Best $30 I ever spent.
The Firm 500 calorie workout is FUN! but, it requires good co-ordination which I don't feature so I end up doing weird versions of what they're doing. It's awesome.
The 4 Biggest Loser DVD's I own are fabulous. I love telling people that I got up and trained with Bob Harper or I just finished working out with Jillian Michaels. It makes you feel like you can accomplish this goal but, on that note, for some reason today I feel like I'm just kidding myself about this 205 at the end of March. I think it's because I'm 222.0 :(. I've got 14 days left in this month, I can work hard and lose at least 10. That would be glorious. From this moment forward I'm going to be more concious about what I'm eating.
Hopefully, next time I log in, I'll be at least 210.
Good morning, it is April 12th, 2010 and well, I didn't reach my goal for March. However, I'm embarking on a challenge that I encourage you to do as well!
See, it's 13 weeks until my 18th birthday (whoopwhoop) and I'm going to see how much weight I can lose in 12 weeks by doing this routine:
BL(Biggest Loser) Last Chance Workout

BL Last Chance Workout
500 Calorie Workout

BL Last Chance Workout

BL Last Chance Workout
500 calorie workout

BL Last Chance Workout
500 calorie workout
CardioMax Level 2

BL Last Chance Workout
(Slot open for whatever I feel like doing)

Yeppers, that's my goal. See, my "Biggest Loser: Last Chance Workout" says that I can drop 30 pounds in 6 weeks. Hubba-wha?! if I do that I'll be 195 half way through May so, I thought "What's 30 lbs. from 195?" after doing some really slow math the result was 165. "165?!?!? that's 5 lbs. LESS than my goal weight! BOOYAH!" Then I got to thinking about something Right now my diet is, crappy to say the least. I need to work on "cleansing" my system. More so, training my brain differently. And I remembered how good I felt on the "Idiot-Proof Diet", I felt so light and airy all the time and literally didn't crave excess carbs or sugar. SO, to make this long story short (too late!) I'm going to see how much weight I lose in 6 weeks doing the BL: LCW and going on the IPD (Idiot-Proof Diet). Then after my decline to 165, I begin my further decline to 145 where I'll be right smack in the middle of my perfect weight chart.
Holy Smokes! Can you feel the energy?! LET'S GET IT ON! Not sexually (although...maybe...) but PHYSICALLY! (which can still be sexually).
Woo! I'm hyped!:)
I already started today as it is the first day of my twelve weeks. And, well, do you remember said Adam? (See "A Really Long Entry pt. 1") Well, ho, ho, I'm going to try and ensnare him in my lady claws! RA ha ha ha ha ha! yes, I know you've just gotten back from reading the entry and you're thinking "HIM? Why on Earth?" I'll tell you why, that boy be HAW-T! yes, I used GhettoTalk. Anyway, the reason is, Adam liked me when I was chunky (175-190) and was really nice about everything he did. But, another reason is, THAT BOY BE HOT! I could probably fry bacon on him he's so sizzlin'! and most likely he knows that, hmmm, so that means I'm gonna have to really work on my stylin' before trasping over to him and saying quite plainly
"You, Me, Room 202. I'll let you connect the dots." and if he's the same Adam, He'll show up with a Star Wars sleeping bag and his toothbrush ready to have a hotel sleepover. Yeah, sensual. And I'll drool over him as he tucks and untucks his pajama shirt into his pants and I'll bat my eyes as he adjusts his sleeping bag like a KA-Jillion TIMES!
*silent scream inside of me*
Ahem, sorry. Anyway, underlining goal I want you to take from this is.....6 week pound droppage. Okay.

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