Monday, April 19, 2010

Unparalleled Determination vs. Fat

I've got to do this, I can't keep saying I'm going to and never materializing that goal. I pray that nothing is thrown in the way of this endeavor, that this will be the last time I'm anywhere near the 200's. And it will be.
My desire to lose weight is stronger than ever and it's not just because I'm crushing on "Matt" either. It's because I'm fed up with all the useless excuses, I'm the one in control of my own life. I'm going to take all the control I can, it's my life and I don't want to live it being fat. I don't want to worry about how many stairs I'll have to walk up and whether or not I'll be able to make it without huffing and puffing, I want to look at them and say "It's only 6 flights. I'll take the stairs."
I'm going to turn 18 and I don't want to open the door to life, cowering and nervous.
No, I want to throw the door open, stare life right in the eye and say:

"Bring It."

Nothing is stopping this. My willpower is stronger than steel. I'm worth the time, I'm worth the energy. I deserve this. This is NOT going to fail, This is NOT going to flop, and I will NOT accept any excuses I choose to use. Not anymore. From now on, I'm going to look in the mirror and say:
"You deserve this. You've wanted it your whole life. You HATE BEING FAT, so get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Quit talkin' and start walkin'. Show the world what you do with Lemons and make the best Gosh Darn lemonade you've ever tasted. Enough is enough. Screw anyone who says you can't because YOU CAN."


1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO! Keep going and YOU WILL DO THIS! I have faith in you. With your determination I KNOW you can do this.
