Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oi! Weight measurements confuse the crap outta me!

Seriously! How is it, I've gotten up to 237.0 lbs and yet I've lost an inch in my abdomen?
I don't think I'll ever fully learn how this weirdo weight system works! curse you Imperial Measurement System!!
Don't get me wrong here, Shirley. I'm grateful for the inch gone, but, I'd also be grateful for the pounds gone, too. It is now clear to me I'm not gonna be in the 220's by the end of August in 4 days! unless I work like William Hung on karaoke night. Which, I could do.

In unrelated weight news, I'm going to get my hair cut. Tomorrow. Or, sometime like that. I have a round face, so I'm going with a short cut.

AUGH! I'm so friggin' disappointed that I didn't lose any weight!!! >:( I feel like a total slacker. For Reals. The thing to that bugs the shitake mushrooms out of my astrix is, I've only been eating good stuff. No lie. I've actually gone back to doing basic calorie counting.
And even when I'm starving, I still take the time to consume the right amount of calories and eat slowly. I've been drinking only water,too. *cries* I'M THE VICTIM HERE!!!
Man, I sound like "Cathy". AACK! SWEATDROP SWEATDROP!!
*aggrivated sigh* Someday, I'm gonna blow that thick headed scales mind when it goes down instead of UP.


My new nephew was born today! Happy Birth day (literally) to Jackson!!

1 comment:

  1. Muscle weighs more then fat. So if you have been doing alot of weight training then that is why the scales haven't moved down.

    I think you should get "Jillian Michaels: Master Your Metabolism" she explains so much and it really is amazing. I have read it and learned so much! I have been struggling with my weight my entire life, so I know know you feel.
