Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Some goals and rants

There's a sweater in my closet that I'd like to fit into before my 18th birthday.
It's not that attractive but, it holds sentimental value to me. I received it from my oldest sister, A, before she left to live in Virginia. I don't know what size it is because, she cut off the tag so her husband wouldn't know what size she wore. I'm estimating it's a size medium or small. Hopefully, I'll be able to lose 70 pounds in 6 months like Kerri and Casey. My birthday is in July, that's 8 months from now. Let's see, if I lost 70 pounds I'd be....166. 4 pounds off of my weight goal.
Of course, my goal weight isn't based on BMI or my doctor's medical opinion. If it were so, I'd be aiming for 130. Instead, I chose a weight I remember feeling sexy and healthy at.
Golly, I haven't been 170 since I was 11 or 12.
My hot doctor informed me last visit that I was "heart healthy" and only needed to "Shed some excess fat." I also asked him if 130 was where I HAD to be, and informed him of my 40 pounds heavier goal. He told me I was healthy right now and that 170 wouldn't be too overweight.
Good to hear, I must say it was relieving to hear I was going to be okay the way I am.
Man, recently I've been dealing with a load of stress. My sister, M, gave birth to her second child today and well, it's just been hectic. Everyone wants to come see her and the people closest to her. That means my mother, father, brothers, sisters, and ME. "Congratulations! Congratulations!" they echo into my ear, as if this phenomenon has never happened before. I welcome my new niece into the family with open arms and never ending love in my heart but, at some point it all gets a little old. My mother who has been through six births of her own and three births of her six grandchildren acts so stir crazy. "Is that him? is that him? Excuse me, nurse! How is the pregnant woman in room 555 doing? really? I asked this same question not even 5 minutes ago?"
So, needless to say, I haven't found the time nor the energy t workout in 3 days. And I can feel it. The baby was to be born at 11 am and we arrived at 7:30 am because WE WERE NOT GOING TO MISS THE BIRTH!!! and we didn't.
Holding urine for 6 hours once seemed impossible to me but, today I found out I could do it. We were not allowed to leave the waiting room until my brother-in-law came out and informed us if the baby had been born or not.
Pain in the brain, y'all.
Anyway, sorry about the explosion rant you just witnessed there. On Monday, November 7, I WILL START MY NEW EXERCISE REGIMEN!!

Stay Fit,


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