Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just once I want to be the hot girl!!

Woe is me. I'm looking for a new style and look for my hair. Really, I'm just looking for a new color.
Anyway, I really am beginning to hate hanging out with my friends who make attractiveness sound like a curse. Puh-Leese! I'd love to feel like the hot chick in the group of friends instead of the fat one or the 'mother hen'. Cat calls and flirting? how is that soo bad? it's hard to talk to the girl who's only been hit on like, three times in her entire LIFE.
Oi Gevalt!
For example, one of my friends said she was at McDonald's ordering lunch when she noticed the guy next to her was texting "Hot chick standing next to me".
I wanted to ask "Where is said McDonalds?" but instead replied "What an A-Hole!".

I can't talk about this anymore! Let's move on!

So, tomorrow I begin my exercise program with my Mom, brother, and sister.
I'll be doing Pilates, James Bond workout, and boot camp/cardio/aerobics.
Needless to say, I'm psyched.
I'll be exercising from 6am to 8am. By myself from 6 til 7, with my Mom from 7 til 7:30, and from 7:30 til 8 with my brother, Dan.
Then around 1 or 2 o' clock in the afternoon, I'll workout with my sister. It's a good thing I love moving around so much.
My goal is to be 15 to 20 lbs. lighter when I go in for my physical in October. That's roughly 4 months away, so let's say I lose 5 lbs. a month, I should be good to gizo.
I have a super hot doctor, and I know this'll make him at least show some emotion.
(I don't think I'd actually like to go out with this Doc, -besides the fact that it's against the law-he's always super monotone and boring!)
200 is the number I'm aiming for at the end of this year. Then, 2010, I want to get down to 170 to 150.
Hopefully, losing it slow and easy will help me retain some of my non-loose skinness. I don't want to have any plastic surgery in my life, so, I want to make sure I keep things nice 'n toned up.

Anydangway, if you've got any tips on how to keep things toned, please email me at:
Also, if you've got ANY tips on eating guidelines, I love to hear them!


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